Saturday, September 6, 2008

the personality beneath
[here's some way to some 100% natural DIY mask!]
TRY IT TODAY OHS & tell me about it ;)
[DONT WORRY!its scientific proven and it wont harm you]

*just take NOTE that if you ae allergy,kindly STOP IT !!

[who says only products that cost more expensive is better?now the cheapest and 100% natural way is just as effective!so why go on those expenses?IYOOHS!]

OILY SKIN -banana mask

1 ripe banana
`1tbsp honey
`an orange or a lemon
1.mix the banana and honey together
2.add a few drops of juice from either lemon or orange[JUST EITHER 1]
3.apply to face for 15 mins before rinisng with a cool wash cloth or steaming warm washcloth

[the enzymes in banana will help to soothe you skin]

DRY SKIN-avocado mask

`1/2 avocado
`1/2 honey

1.mash avocado in a bowl,than stir in honey 2.apply to skin and leave for 10 mins 3.rinse face with a cool washcloth
[avocadoes and honey is known for their moisturizing properties]

PROBLEM SKIN-papaya mask
`ripe papaya
1.remove seed&skin mash papaya
2.rub pulp gently on face
3.apply once every 2 to 3 days
[this can help in clearing impurities that cause pimple,black heads&spots]

PROBLEM SKIN-potato mask

`peeled potato

1.grate potato
2.apply grated potato onto skin
3.apply this mask once a week to find clean clear skin over the long term
[the application of grated potatoes poultice may help to treat skin blemishes,wrinkled,boils,pimple,acne and blackheads ]

ALL SKIN TYPE-fruity mask

`1 orange
`1 lemon
`1 cucumber
1.grind ingredients in a mixer
2.apply the mixture on your face&wash off after 20mins
3.use daily for 7days and see a marked improvement on your skin!
[fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals.they are effective antioxidants ans may be use both internally and externally]

wrinkled skin-apple mask
`1tsp honey
1.peel and core the apple
2.mash it well and blend with honey
3.apply this mixture on the face and neck in a slow and upwards motion
4.wash off with warm water after 15mins
5.try this thrice a week and than once a week to see your wrinkles fade away
[smoothen wrinkles and moisturize the natural way!]
-results may vary!
-ensure hand is clean and food item is throughly clean before use
-if allergy appears,STOP!and wash off immediately
+++the recipes are so easy and simple!its just a step away to beautiful skin which dont even contain any chemical!so now you have no excuse not to start your beauty regime!+++

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