Friday, January 15, 2010

home right now and i finally have ample time to do a long blogging.
blog seems really dead for long.
just came back from dinner with boyf and family.
headed to bishan and sch w kelly in the late afternoon
just a random photo found on my comp (:

i've got nothing much to upload as it has been quite a hectic week and of course,one devastating moment for many.
its the release of O LEVELS :(
sadly enough, i didnt do well for it.
unfortunately,there were more tears of sorrow and regret around me more than tears of happiness.
many of us couldnt make it up to poly and of course what was left was
1)retain sec 5
2)take private Os
4)private diploma
it was really sad to hear those parents forcing their child back to retain sec 5. i mean..okay,maybe the parents meant good for them.but if the child really has no means and is reluctant to retain, whats the point of forcing them?isnt it a waste of time if the fail again because they didnt have the heart to study again?
they could have jolly well make use of that 1year and do some they like etc,going on to ite for some courses of their favour?or taking a pri diploma?

what i mean is that i think all of us are big enough to make decisions for ourselves . whats most impt is our interest isnt it?

well,im fortunate enough as mum was asking me to take up a pri me, i think thats best for me too. but there were saying froom friends and teachers that taking pri diploma,you would have to carefully think about your future.... :(
why? eg : in your future workforce, a pri diploma holder VS a person that go the normal route [ite and that to poly , graduated with diploma]. which will the employer choose? obviously the poly holder isnt it?although it may be a longer route from ite to poly but it will be fruitful in future. so,.... ** big SIGHHHHH!!!!
im really confused.
but what i have in mind is still taking pri diploma .
so should i go for it or have a second thought for ite ?? :((((
any idea if i should go for

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