blog seems real dead.just one photo for now
i'll be back for more updates ! (:
sweetyboy bought me spagetthi for dinner.(:
alrights.rise and shine at 9am yst .was supposed to go for an interview at liat towers for LANIEGE. phew! i thought i was running late but i managed to arrive there on the dot ;D
hopefully im able to get this job or i'll have to go for another interview and on and on and on....
leong is out for nepal trip.she'll only be back on the 16. hopefully shes able to endure it there. and of course i miss you. dont worry leong, CHEEKYB will always be yours de la. haahahs!
okays. im feeling kinda eccentric. actually to be exact, i dont know what am i think about. because you just kept spinning my world round and feels like im burning out.i felt like im suffocating and i wanna puke. pls! dont give me the wrong signals ! i beg you or so. im feeling terrible. best of all,pls dont ever treat me so wonderfully or at least, pls tell me what are we. will you?